Monday, January 9, 2012


*To my knowledge, histamine is not marketed as a drug.  "Histamine stimulates wakefulness, suppresses appetite, and may enhance cognition through its excitatory effects on/after usual doses of first-generation H1-antihistamines.  First-generation H1-antihistamines may cause mydriasis pupilary dilation.

the banned term is....

pupillary. appetite and he said it was a "histamine".'  (<--- why "'"?)

urinary retention

bgh: "After usual doses [of first-generation H1-antihistamines]:

*To my knowledge, histamine is not marketed as a drug.

"Histamine stimulates wakefulness, suppresses appetite, and may enhance cognition through its excitatory effects on brainstem, hypothalamic, and cortical neurons." 
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry, 1st ed.

cfg: mydriasis; gty: dilation; (Otto_Negme): pupil

see ... < --- > 01/05 19:07:00

the isled 'you're welcome' post

Capital i's for L's? < CyberPutz > 01/05 19:14:21

pupiIIary. <<<< "ii"

cute < - > 01/05 19:07:21


pup3 < - > 01/05 21:04:04


- ( Auto_Negme ) 01/05 21:11:18


Conclusion: take a pill!  (notice: period @ pilla.)

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