One woman was on the BBC: the other woman was on a show on a local radio station around here.
The upper crust english woman on the BBC talked of Middle Eastern Countries: specifically, Syria. She said that it, Syria, was a secular country, amidst other diatribe spouted (in a snobby accent, imo).
I would disagree.
I would say that the entire of the Middle Eastern Governments\Countries are operated by a belief\secular basis, as is the State of Israel operated by a belief\secular basis.
"Kabbalah-like Numerology" is taught as a principle foundation for education to children in Middle Eastern Countries: education-al curriculum(s) "taught" according to different people(s) within different culture(s)\families in different regions of the Middle East; and, (as an after-thought): different educations are taught in different regions of the World, according to custom(s) of different people(s) living in given geographical region(s) of the Earth.
The woman on a local radio station around here said that "Hitler was elected," amidst other "edumacated diatribe," imo (the which is still going on and on) as long as the radio is on and I can hear it.
I would disagree with the statement that "Hitler was elected."
I would contend that NO president of any country, (NOR: no supposed "leader" of any people in any nation on the "Earth"), has ever been elected in the History of the World: except for a president and\or leader who was elected by a 100% guaranteed, certified, voluntary (free from violence) vote in said nation(s) on a predetermined specified date by citizen(s)\member(s)/representative(s) of said nation(s) to whom a bid for the position of president\leader\servant of the People of Said Nation(s) has been made by applicant(s) via "unfettered press corps. reports" and in person by applicant(s) for said position(s) as a president\leader\servant of a nation state's people at "town hall meetings" in that or those nation(s)\region(s) of Earth where an election has or will occur.
The woman on a local station that I listened to tonight should have said that "Hitler was elected by an 'Arian race' in a country and region of the World with preconditioned-biased-beliefs about 'other members of society' at the time."
Ergo: Hitler was neither a president; nor a leader of any country or any nation or any region on Earth because "Hitler" was not elected by a 100% guaranteed, certified, voluntary (free from violence) vote by the people(s) in Germany society at the time that Hitler was in Germany.
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