Sunday, February 5, 2012

TO: -J.P.– ; FROM: -J.B.- :

I do not fault City Parking Department(s) for 'one minute' anywhere.

I lived in Atlanta, GA with my first truck; then I took the first truck I 'used like my own' to San Fran., where I lived for a year and one half... parking.

Then, it was small towns for awhile intermixed with one or two trips to NYC, Chicago and L|A where I had family members living at the time.

After small towns: it was the City of Seattle for me for one year.

(I am not sure and you might have to check my Seattle record|plate that I put on the 'same truck' I used in San Fran/Atlanta/etc. at the time I was living in Seattle, but I don't think that I received |(1)|one parking ticket| while I was living in Seattle for one year between May 29, 1996 - June | July 1997).

I lived out of a Red Toyo 2-Wheel Drive Truck with Cap for the better part of three years in and around: San Fran. and CA; WA; and, once near Lincoln, Oregon, sleeping in it 'criss-crossing' the USA seven times total.

I retired the 'same truck' that I first used in Atlanta, GA and with which I 'criss-crossed' the USA (w/|1|2| trips to windsurf in Canada) driving it to its 'last-destination(s):' namely the West End in PTLD, ME.  (It had +/-141,000 mi. on it when somebody took it).

I feel that there are some things some people(s) need to work towards for themselves.  So, thank you and thank the Parking Dept. for me in PTLD, ME for being 'minute men.'  (Without City Parking Dept.(s): 'all hell will break loose.')

(I will be in the Treasury Dept. Office sometime this next week to pay a $10.00 fine on a parking ticket that I received by the Portland Parking Department in 2007: according to both the reps. with whom I spoke over the phone in the Treasury Dept. and in the Parking Office @ 2:30PM EST on Friday, February 3, 2012; and, 'both reps.' with whom I spoke seemed unsure as to the environs/infraction(s)\reasonings given for the 2007 ticket(s) that both reps. @ City Hall said over the phone to me (upon my dialing City Hall) -a ticket that I received in 2007?- when I asked them: "where was the truck parked for the 2007 ticket and what was the offense?").

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