Monday, February 6, 2012


hhhh 9edItouha ze3ma rah lmouadafine ferhanone hit thanaw men lkhedma fl wizara ghedda


The "Custom Flash Hide Callback" url is incorrect on

It should be:


Idea for Ford Transit Connect Van:

Why not take a Ford Transit Connect van: (1) 'cut off' the top, back half  of the camper part (2) sell the top, back half of the 'cut off' panels of the van as a cap;

Then, a Ford Transit Connect van would be made both like a pick up truck and a van with panelled truck caps to sell 'willy nilly' for another Ford made truck.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

TO: -J.P.– ; FROM: -J.B.- :

I do not fault City Parking Department(s) for 'one minute' anywhere.

I lived in Atlanta, GA with my first truck; then I took the first truck I 'used like my own' to San Fran., where I lived for a year and one half... parking.

Then, it was small towns for awhile intermixed with one or two trips to NYC, Chicago and L|A where I had family members living at the time.

After small towns: it was the City of Seattle for me for one year.

(I am not sure and you might have to check my Seattle record|plate that I put on the 'same truck' I used in San Fran/Atlanta/etc. at the time I was living in Seattle, but I don't think that I received |(1)|one parking ticket| while I was living in Seattle for one year between May 29, 1996 - June | July 1997).

I lived out of a Red Toyo 2-Wheel Drive Truck with Cap for the better part of three years in and around: San Fran. and CA; WA; and, once near Lincoln, Oregon, sleeping in it 'criss-crossing' the USA seven times total.

I retired the 'same truck' that I first used in Atlanta, GA and with which I 'criss-crossed' the USA (w/|1|2| trips to windsurf in Canada) driving it to its 'last-destination(s):' namely the West End in PTLD, ME.  (It had +/-141,000 mi. on it when somebody took it).

I feel that there are some things some people(s) need to work towards for themselves.  So, thank you and thank the Parking Dept. for me in PTLD, ME for being 'minute men.'  (Without City Parking Dept.(s): 'all hell will break loose.')

(I will be in the Treasury Dept. Office sometime this next week to pay a $10.00 fine on a parking ticket that I received by the Portland Parking Department in 2007: according to both the reps. with whom I spoke over the phone in the Treasury Dept. and in the Parking Office @ 2:30PM EST on Friday, February 3, 2012; and, 'both reps.' with whom I spoke seemed unsure as to the environs/infraction(s)\reasonings given for the 2007 ticket(s) that both reps. @ City Hall said over the phone to me (upon my dialing City Hall) -a ticket that I received in 2007?- when I asked them: "where was the truck parked for the 2007 ticket and what was the offense?").

"Taught Me:"

Zeke Zuckerburr doesn't know how to use computers.

E.G. I can't even copy and paste my original 'unicode script' written in plain English (with grammar) to a "note" pad on FaceBlock without hassles of having to undo what the 'paste' does to the pasted 'plain text script' on the FB "note" pad.

At least with Google+ (where I have recently created a profile): I am learning some "nifty tricks" about computers rather than 'having my intelligence insulted' with "crafty tricks" on computers.

(Eight years as a "Scanner Operator" at a University "somewhere over the rainbow" (38 co-workers out of 40 people with whom I worked regularly/daily at that job were women).

71 - 73

Before the tenants on the 2nd floor make anything up about my interaction involving opening the front door for their two girlfriends this morning at about 10:30 or 11am on Sunday; February 5, 2012: 

(1) Two girls knocked on the downstairs outside door @ 71 

(2) I was upstairs and heard the knock 

(3) I went down to the front door from the 3rd floor apartment because I thought that it might be Robert  

(4) At the front door were two girls knocking for the tenants on the 2nd floor 

(5) I saw them through the glass in the front door before opening the front door 

(6) I opened the front door for them and went up the stairs towards the 3rd floor apartment door   

(7) The two girls followed up the front steps to the 2nd floor apartment door and knocked 

(8) I was unlocking the 3rd floor apartment door with a key to it while they were knocking 

(9) I said to the two girls knocking on the 2nd floor apartment door behind me (without my turning around) two words, which were: "good morning"  

(10) One of the two girls at the 2nd floor apartment door knocking said one word to me in return to the two words that I uttered to them while I unlocked the 3rd floor apartment door @ 71, which was the word: "sorry"  

(11) By that point in time: I had unlocked the 3rd floor apartment door and started to close the 3rd floor apartment door behind me and head upstairs to the 3rd floor apartment 

(12) As a rule of mine since day one of the current two tenants' move to the 2nd floor apartment @ 71: I avoid and don't go through the 71 front hall or front door unless I have NOT, NOT, NOT heard anyone downstairs on the 2nd floor either about to approach the 2nd floor apartment door or the front door to 71 to enter or exit via the front hall @ 71

(13) Instead of running the risk of running into any tenants (or tenant visitor(s) at 71 or 73 (other than my dog and (2) cats): I wait for at least ten minutes of 'overheard silence' from inside the 3rd floor apartment and ten minutes of a 'projected silence estimate' (20 minutes leeway, altogether) to go by before I venture through any tentant(s)' arteries (outside or inside) at 71 - 73. 

Mr. DeGuay (sp?) @ the Buckley School, NYC:

I remember something about when I was in the 7th or 8th grade at the Buckley School, NYC. It was during one of Mr. DeGuay's (sp?) classes.

I think that a classmate at the time by the initials of D.W. organized "a class walkout" during one of Mr. DeGuay's French classes.

I remember that there were only (2) students left in the classroom after about 15-20 of Mr. De Guay's students during that French class walked out of the room with a bewildered-looking Mr. DeGuay left teaching the two of us left in the classroom.

(The other student who remained in the room with Mr. DeGuay and me may have been Damian Vargas or Abelardo Fernandez, but I can't quite remember at this moment because one of those named students left the Buckley School before entering the 7th or 8th grade at the Buckley School).

Not that I am any kind of "saint" because I also remember that for one of Mr. DeGuay's classes: I arranged it with classmates to sing the nursery rhyme, "Frère Jacques."

Subsequently: one morning across the street from 275 W. 96 St. on the way to school for the day catching the city bus at 07:30, Mr. DeGuay caught the bus at the same bus stop as me and sat next to me on the bus.

Mr. DeGuay said to me on that bus: "I had a brother whose name was 'Jacques' and he is deceased now."

With that comment: I NEVER made fun of Mr. DeGuay again.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I was just listening to two women on a radio:

One woman was on the BBC: the other woman was on a show on a local radio station around here.

The upper crust english woman on the BBC talked of Middle Eastern Countries: specifically, Syria.  She said that it, Syria, was a secular country, amidst other diatribe spouted (in a snobby accent, imo).

I would disagree.

I would say that the entire of the Middle Eastern Governments\Countries are operated by a belief\secular basis, as is the State of Israel operated by a belief\secular basis.

"Kabbalah-like Numerology" is taught as a principle foundation for education to children in Middle Eastern Countries: education-al curriculum(s) "taught" according to different people(s) within different culture(s)\families in different regions of the Middle East; and, (as an after-thought): different educations are taught in different regions of the World, according to custom(s) of different people(s) living in given geographical region(s) of the Earth.


The woman on a local radio station around here said that "Hitler was elected," amidst other "edumacated diatribe," imo (the which is still going on and on) as long as the radio is on and I can hear it.

I would disagree with the statement that "Hitler was elected."

I would contend that NO president of any country, (NOR: no supposed "leader" of any people in any nation on the "Earth"), has ever been elected in the History of the World: except for a president and\or leader who was elected by a 100% guaranteed, certified, voluntary (free from violence) vote in said nation(s) on a predetermined specified date by citizen(s)\member(s)/representative(s) of said nation(s) to whom a bid for the position of president\leader\servant of the People of Said Nation(shas been made by applicant(s) via "unfettered press corps. reports" and in person by applicant(s) for said position(s) as a president\leader\servant of a nation state's people at "town hall meetings" in that or those nation(s)\region(s) of Earth where an election has or will occur.

The woman on a local station that I listened to tonight should have said that "Hitler was elected by an 'Arian race' in a country and region of the World with preconditioned-biased-beliefs about 'other members of society' at the time."

Ergo: Hitler was neither a president; nor a leader of any country or any nation or any region on Earth because "Hitler" was not elected by a 100% guaranteed, certified, voluntary (free from violence) vote by the people(s) in Germany society at the time that Hitler was in Germany.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I can't wait until most if not all "food animals" are dead and/or extinct...

because then: there would be "people butchers" and people could go to their local butcher and buy a variety of meats and cuts from harvested people.

I imagine a crisp, people finger would taste like a "fish eye" or "chicken feet!"

mmm... I'm getting hungry.  Maybe there would be "dark meat" and "light meat" varieties of people meat and maybe even "gander-people" or "veal-people" or even "people eggs:" "Ovary à la Femme, al dente."

Come to think of it: Jeffrey Dahmler might have been ahead of times: G-d bless him!  Jeffrey might might have donated an organ to feed homeless at a soup kitchen.

There might be (in time) a choice between "rat meat" and "people meat."

(I guess if I went to a restaurant in about 50 years from today: I would either order rat tails or baby wings and to drink: "yellow piss," as opposed to "clear piss" or the happy hour drink of "green puss").

Monday, January 30, 2012

John Winthrop:

This morning: I was listening to NPR Headline News and the newscaster said that the "City Upon a Hill" speech is attributed to Ronnie Reagan casting news about Mitt comparing himself to Reagan: 

Condoning Hitler And Nazism
Kennedy’s strong political ambitions were to be dashed by his inability to recognize Adolf Hitler’s ruthless nature. He believed in Neville Chamberlain’s erroneous policy of appeasement. Kennedy publicly endorsed this view contrary to the word of warning offered from Winston Churchill.

Prior to the actual war occurring, Kennedy, twice acting unilaterally, sought personal meetings with Hitler.,_Sr.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just to get it out of the way...

I take every jot and every tittle of every utterance that ever was or will be and is with seven oceans of salt and the Black Sea from f.u.c.k. to ni hao ma.

I read the KJV...

... New Testament (no notes - once thru and subsequent interspersed dabbling reading quotes).

After reading the New Testament, within the next year or two: I decided to read the Olde Testament 3 chapters per day (diligent notes - versed). To read the Olde Testament 3 chapters per day plus notes cited (begats included - unless eyes blur) is a tedious task to say the least and I believe it took me from May 1995 to April/May 1996... among Cervantes Don Quixote in two sittings, other novels (fiction, history, classical music library, etc. @ WWU)... in short, reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

I slept nights under my truck cap with a sub-zero bag for winters over three years eating one burrito/day and an evening pancake with habaneros in the batter cooked on my tailgate with a flame.  I did not smoke, drink alcohol or coffee or take an aspirin between 1993-1996.  I drank water, read books in the WWU library for twelve hours per day (almost every day) and slept under my truck cap in the bed of my 2-wheel drive standard truck.  Also, I slept in Montana and Wyoming midwinter in the back of my truck going back and forth over five day trips one way between the east coast, west coast and midwest to visit family.

"Cat Roulette:"

One thing: when you come here to Portland and I find out from you somehow/someway for whatever reason that I am in fact delusional and "basically nuts" due to my diagnosis in 1996 of schizophrenia, I will be sorely disappointed not only in myself... but also everybody I have ever met and have ever known and I will become a complete recluse in my own cave somewhere out where nobody is able to find me ever again... as long as I find a good home for my dog and the cat remaining out of the two cats that I have here now finds a good home with my help with no word to anyone as to the whys and wherefores of my actions or where I am going, which will probably be someplace akin to "under the bridge over I-95" where I will finally be able to catch up on much needed sleep and rest amidst the filth of homeless peoples' shit.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


But Dantes cannot remain forever in prison, and one day or other he will leave it, and the day when he comes out, woe betide him who was the cause of his ...

Friday, January 27, 2012

They found life on Mars: < - > 01/23 18:19:40

There are more fishes in the sea, but with pollution and "global warming," I bet all my money stuff is seeping into the core of the earth: the fire within is flaring then fizzling, rendering an extreme cold period on earth after "global warming;" global warming period being short lived relatively. Further, I would speculate that there was at one time (if there is such a thing as time): "life on Mars," but the inhabitants rendered Mars useless to life. THX1138 is a good movie.

Monday, January 23, 2012

They found life on Mars:

There are more fishes in the sea, but with pollution and "global warming," I bet all my money stuff is seeping into the core of the earth: the fire within is flaring then fizzling, rendering an extreme cold period on earth after "global warming;" global warming period being short lived relatively.  Further, I would speculate that there was at one time (if there is such a thing as time): "life on Mars," but the inhabitants rendered Mars useless to life.  THX1138 is a good movie.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

73 Kneel St. Question?:

I have asked Ben on the second floor to give up his parking spots for the tenants on the first floor because the tenants on the first floor have a baby.

He said that he and Craig would have to think about it and let me know.

Ben and Craig have decided to keep the parking spot in the driveway until their lease expires.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

When on business trips to... < -PTLD_ME- > 01/19 16:08:35

I go to "YordProm Coffee Inc." @ 722 Congress Street PTLD, ME (207) 221-2347...

... where they only serve organic blend coffees, some pastries, teas, etc. and YordProm offers free WiFi for when I need to sit down and do some business with my laptop while in PTLD, ME.

Also, "YordProm" has an outdoor patio for those beautiful ME summer dayz...

... hope to see you there!!! 

James Madison: < - > 01/19 08:39:38

March 29, 1792 in the National Gazette 
James Madison 
This term in its particular application means "that 
dominion which one man claims and exercises over the 
external things of the world, in exclusion of every other 
In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every 
thing to which a man may attach a value and have a 
right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage. 
In the former sense, a man's land, or merchandize, 
or money is called his property. 
In the latter sense, a man has a property in his 
opinions and the free communication of them. 
He has a property of peculiar value in his religious 
opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by 
He has a property very dear to him in the safety 
and liberty of his person. 
He has an equal property in the free use of his 
faculties and free choice of the objects on which to 
employ them. 
In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his 
property, he may be equally said to have a property in 
his rights. 
Where an excess of power prevails, property of no 
sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his 
person, his faculties, or his possessions. 
Where there is an excess of liberty, the effect is the 
same, tho' from an opposite cause.

Government is instituted to protect property of 
every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of 
individuals, as that which the term particularly 
expresses. This being the end of government, that alone 
is a just government, which impartially secures to every 
man, whatever is his own. 
According to this standard of merit, the praise of 
affording a just securing to property, should be sparingly 
bestowed on a government which, however scrupulously 
guarding the possessions of individuals, does not protect 
them in the enjoyment and communication of their 
opinions, in which they have an equal, and in the 
estimation of some, a more valuable property. 
More sparingly should this praise be allowed to a 
government, where a man's religious rights are violated 
by penalties, or fettered by tests, or taxed by a hierarchy. 
Conscience is the most sacred of all property; other 
property depending in part on positive law, the exercise 
of that, being a natural and unalienable right. To guard a 
man's house as his castle, to pay public and enforce 
private debts with the most exact faith, can give no title 
to invade a man's conscience which is more sacred than 
his castle, or to withhold from it that debt of protection, 
for which the public faith is pledged, by the very nature 
and original conditions of the social pact. 
That is not a just government, nor is property 
secure under it, where the property which a man has in 
his personal safety and personal liberty, is violated by 
arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of 
the rest. A magistrate issuing his warrants to a press 
gang, would be in his proper functions in Turkey or

January 19, 2012 4:28pm EST

... < - > 01/19 12:46:34

Jesus is the messiah for the schizophrenics, Jesus being schizophrenic for his times.

The Jews have not met their messiah yet, according to their calendar.

Christians have NO messiah. Their messiah is money, except for "two-bit hags."

Mohammed is the messiah of the Muslims.

Buddhism is buddhism.

Don't know too much about Hindi, etc.

Africa has her "shape-shifters."

Politics is a drab.

Évolution du prix de 10 produits de base entre 2001 et 2011:

Les Français se plaignent de l’euro. Il aurait permis aux commerçants d’augmenter les prix. Ceux-ci disent que c’est la faute au surcoût des charges sociales et des matières premières. Une enquête parue dans le magazine Valeurs Actuelles.

Monday, January 16, 2012

If I were to receive $222 million in a lottery, per se:

I definitely would....

1. Make sure the taxes on it were paid
2. Divide it into 222 million dollar sections and give away 220 million. (keep 2 Million for myself)
3. Then shop until my body makes me fall asleep.

I would give $1 Million parcels anonymously or signed in a corporate entity's name to non-profit 501c organizations throughout the world accounted for by Trust(s) in order:

1. Animal Shelters and Animal Rehabilitation Facilities
2. Senior Retirement Communities
3. "Children Homes"
4. "Women's Shelters"
5. Organic Farms
6. Cultural Programs
7. Emerging Music Groups
8. Addiction/Disease Treatment Center(s)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"On Women's Liberalism:"

Prior to 1910: married/'home on the range,' brothels, convents, "shamed," orphaned, etc.

1910-1920's: women's suffrage and temperance movement.

1930-1940's: "dust bowls" and "Rosie & the Riveters."

1950's: suburban moms.

1960's-1970's: wearing jeans and pants instead of skirts or dresses (not knocking it!-).

1980's-2012: corporate women.

1990-2012: women politicians.

1970's-2012: porno women.

Do women have a case of what Freud called: "Penis Envy?"

A. They hear voices.

Q. Let me see, what do these famous worshippers have in common: Santorum, Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Tebow?

I will never forget... < - > 01/15 07:49:17

"Major Goat Fucker:" 

Nor will I ever forget this African:


Friday, January 13, 2012

In 1986...

...when I was in NYC living across the street from Symphony Space on 96th and Broadway, there was a seedy McDonald's on the block and a pay phone nearby outside and an African American homeless guy with dreadlocks standing outside the McDonald's next to the phone booth talking on a phone handset (a white phone handset) with the other end of the white coiled cord dangling in mid-air somewhere around his waist.  Oh yeah!  He wore a grubby, tan coat with flaps open looking disheveled as is wonting.  But, he was into some heavy stock market trading apparently because he kept shouting over and over again: "buy, buy; sell, sell!"  I always figured that guy was ahead of his times, which is why I can practically count on one hand how many times I've actually used a cell phone.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

K00WWEKh §

,pronounced "coo-wakey" or "coo-wakie"

,the chosen name of "Kitty, the Ralphie"


the cat, "formerly known as" kitty,


coincidentally, the name of the blue jay bird nested

in the vines @ a Neal St. house once upon a time.

2  17  18  18  19  59

Monday, January 9, 2012

No, no. < grannie52 > 01/08 13:01:23

I don't need useful skills, I want to become a aerospace engineer. Got any bottle rockets left? Hold on; I'm tuning in to what you're thinking...ditditdit...answer is "no". O.K. Now let me see what's in your refrigerator...ditditdit...better wheel yourself in front of it to block it, hadn't you? Hurry. ditditdit...


*To my knowledge, histamine is not marketed as a drug.  "Histamine stimulates wakefulness, suppresses appetite, and may enhance cognition through its excitatory effects on/after usual doses of first-generation H1-antihistamines.  First-generation H1-antihistamines may cause mydriasis pupilary dilation.

the banned term is....

pupillary. appetite and he said it was a "histamine".'  (<--- why "'"?)

urinary retention

bgh: "After usual doses [of first-generation H1-antihistamines]:

*To my knowledge, histamine is not marketed as a drug.

"Histamine stimulates wakefulness, suppresses appetite, and may enhance cognition through its excitatory effects on brainstem, hypothalamic, and cortical neurons." 
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry, 1st ed.

cfg: mydriasis; gty: dilation; (Otto_Negme): pupil

see ... < --- > 01/05 19:07:00

the isled 'you're welcome' post

Capital i's for L's? < CyberPutz > 01/05 19:14:21

pupiIIary. <<<< "ii"

cute < - > 01/05 19:07:21


pup3 < - > 01/05 21:04:04


- ( Auto_Negme ) 01/05 21:11:18


Conclusion: take a pill!  (notice: period @ pilla.)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"To Build a Fire:"

I heard a story about a moose who wanted to fuck my friend's grandpa.  My friend told me the story.  The grandpa was in alaska and told my friend over the phone.  So, my friend was saying that this bull moose was rutting and a cow moose kept darting off away from him, resisting.

So, the grandpa would have none of this bull moose practically ass raping some cow around his camp.  He went out there with sum kind of gun, but not anything to kill a bull moose.  He was trying to scare the bull moose off.

The grandpa went outdoors with some kind of gun and fired into the ground.  Of course, the end result was that the moose wanted to fuck the grandpa.  The grandpa was quartered in his cabin for two days with that bull moose circling the camp cabin.

Grandpa had to call the game warden, but the wardens were busy, they said.  Grandpa kept at it.  He said that the moose had been circling the camp for two days and he can't go outdoors.

(Also: he had to explain to the warden's dispatch that he was not fucked up on any # of things).

A warden arrived in a truck and the bull moose was out front of the place and the warden yelled: "just shoot him!"

Grandpa didn't have anything to kill a bull moose and thought that he was going to scare it off with the pistol he had.  That didn't happen.

Grandpa explained to the warden yelling from cabin window to truck what happened, how the moose wanted to fuck the grandpa now and that he didn't want to kill it.  (In season: another story).

So, the warden shot bean bags at the bull moose, which winded the moose and the moose trotted off probably looking for his cow.

Ya think grandpa wanted to fuck the moose cow!?

20:12 PST Saturday, January 7 Visitor to Quixophasia B'ham

Monday, January 2, 2012

21 of My Play(s) on Craig's List "Word Association" Discussion Forum (& 7 opfo plays)-:

1. "more pain"

2.  "2012"

3.  "Brighter Much?"

4.  "A new leaf" - sent to isle of misfit threads:

5.  "here I sit"

6.  "corpulent"

7.  "essay," "assay"

8.  "Nigger...."

9.  "2012 ball has dropped!"

10.  A. "Climax," b. "schizophrenic," c. "autistic"

11.  "Groovy" <-have_a_groovy_new_year!>

12.  "!," "J-o," "she's got the jack" <opfo>

13.  "Revolution" <-Anonymous>

14.  "Scarred and Marred"

15.  "Schizophrenia is my Job.  SSDI is my employer." <opfo>

16.  "tastes like chicken" <-jj->

17.  "The Majority rules because ..." <opfo>

18.  "Is the Zodiac killer still alive?" <opfo>

19.  "I like being naked as much as I can" <opfo>

20.  "dash dude" <opfo>

21.  "good bye losers" <opfo>

"Coca Met Curly-do:" "Doctor Mccauley:" Anagram

For ten years, I have been sitting in the waiting room of the hospital clinic where I go to see my doctor and "take my shot in the ass" shifting eyes at feminine nurses and doctors, careful of the repercussions if I am found out sitting unobtrusively in the waiting room shifting my eyes from and to passing feminine figures in the hall waiting for my male doctor to be late seeing if there is ever "a better angle to be had."  

"Don't call me late for a doctor's appointment!"

Well, the following links are the story of how "Coca met Curly-do" in order from top link to bottom link when they were written during the course-history of the "fuk-u-ok-a-hole" disease that I contracted from Maniac dialect.  

("Coca met Curly-do" is an anagram referring to the name preceded by "doctor" of one of the "looker specimens" who interviewed me during my course of the "fuk-u-ok-a-hole" disease while my principle male doctor was on leave at the time):









Here is a picture of "Coca," (as known to "Curly-do"):

"We're Working in the Dark, Mr. Bean!"

My girlfriend... correction... cuddle-partner/roommate/friend, went up to the Rite Aid for "the cigarette patch" today and spent money on it after she told me that she has no money to spare ever.  She has asked me for money untold times over the years, even pilfering my wallet once upon a time of $20 while I lay asleep with one eye open.  

So, after she told me countless times over the years that she is going to stop smoking my cigarettes "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...," until as recently as making a New Year's Resolution 2012, she wakes up to one of my cigarettes New Year's Day.

Also, I shared a song called "Can't Find a Better Man" by a rock band called "Pearl Jam" to her FaceBlock page on a night she was out "scouting other men" at bars with her welfare-friend-mom-who-makes-a-better-lover.  

The night my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend was out with her welfare-friend-mom-who-makes-a-better-lover, she texted me some "beastly" annoyances after midnight.  She only just today listened to the song that I shared to her FB page about two weeks ago the night she texted me.  The song has the line: "she lies and says she loves me... can't find a better man."

So, when my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend was at Rite Aid buying the cigarette patch today (which can be exorbitant in price to effectiveness ratios imo), she didn't have a discount Rite Aid card for 10% off everything, like I do.  She told the clerk, who had probably asked her if she had a Rite Aid card, that no: she didn't have a Rite Aid card, "but I think my boyfriend does."

After she telling the clerk at Rite Aid two phone numbers for the system to find my account, the clerk found my account under the second phone number that she proffered upon the clerk, in lieu of my presence.  Upon her return to where we stay later in the day and through light conversational "bespeak" to inquire of another's day, she divulged the details of her purchase of the cigarette patch at Rite Aid using my phone numbers to find my account in the system and saying to me what she told the clerk: that "my boyfriend does" have a Rite Aid card.

Now, my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend has long insisted that I am not her boyfriend and, upon her insistance, nor is she my girlfriend.  Yet, for a 10% discount (with my account at Rite Aid) on the cigarette patch that she bought today and while she has the patch on/off? this evening, she is smoking my tobacco in the kitchen as I write this and she continues to harangue me for cigarettes.

Yet, she tells a clerk at Rite Aid that I am her boyfriend for a 10% discount on the cigarette patch: at that, while I hear her BIC flick in the kitchen at just this moment over the-din-of-noise-in-my-head bothering her all the time my being quiet or speaking English to her.

At one point over the course of Xmas 2011: she exacerbated my case of the "fuk-u-ok-a-hole" disease all over my BIC lighters "getting nicked" resulting in my going to the store at all hours for a new lighter (at one point, my having four lighters; at another point, none lighters)! 

(I have chain smoked since being diagnosed schizophrenic in 1996).

My question is: "Are illogical non-sequiturs what can be expected of women by men and for that matter: expected of a lot of men too?  Why?"  I wonder because my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend's predecessor to me with an entirely "different chemical imbalance" "nicked" my BICs too, worse than my "current" cuddle-partner/roommate/friend ever has.  

I proposed a solution to my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend one night over the past two weeks of Xmas 2011 and that was there are three rules of this place where we co-habitat: 

1. don't touch my BIC lighters; 
2. don't touch my red-lettered Chinois plate; 
3. don't touch my Lipton (the Brisk Tea) tea cup.  

By the time I was spitting out the third rule to her upon her return to the place where we stay: the night I was to tell her the rules having had enough of the BIC "fuk-u-ok-a-holes," she was screaming at the top of her lungs and running out the front door only for me to hear a "howler monkey" on the street outside in New England!

Then, she returned upstairs two minutes later and called her welfare-friend-mom-who-makes-a-better-lover to probably complain of abuse while I was at my "entertainment center" listening to music on my headphones with a view of the kitchen where she was sitting on the phone in this 45x18 studio where we stay.

Tonight, the night of the day that she bought the patch at Rite Aid and she mentioned offhand that she used my account for a 10% discount on the patch, I asked her pointedly: "Oh!  So, I am your boyfriend?"

She replied something: I wish that I could remember for sure, but I think that it was: "No."  

Tonight's conversation continued... she having also mentioned to me tonight that she had just listened to the song "Can't Find a Better Man" that I had shared to her FaceBlock page about two weeks ago (the night she texted me "beastly" annoyances when out with her friend after midnight)... AND, I tried to equate "she lies and says she loves me... can't find a better man..." TO... "she lies and says she's my girlfriend (for a 10% discount)... can't find a better man..."  

Upon equating the two variations of the line from the song "Can't Find a Better Man" by Pearl Jam, it ended in her yelling at me then slapping me across the jaw storming out of the kitchen where we were seated into the other room only to not speak to me the rest of the night and she in bed at 8pm: assumedly to avoid me in a 45x18 quarter with a small dog, a "fatty-tranny" cat, my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend and myself.

(Albeit: other words and sentences were used both by myself and her during the course of all this rigamarole precipitating the episode to heights and pitches in voices leading to the jaw slap).

So: I am at a quandary.  Do I continue to attempt to communicate with "chocolate pukes" who speak "engrish...:"

... "chocolate pukes" being most of whom I ever find myself talking to living here (bearing in mind: there is no geographical cure) or do I just bite my tongue, or, "jack it up," but,... but,... "IT FEELS JUST THAT GOOD" and I ain't gay or old!?

I do like this woman as much as anyone woman I have met in my life, which numbers 50+ in 38 years.

This one does much to improve my life in many ways, but really...!?  

I have also had for a long time (all my life -it-seems-) troubles in communicating with my mother, if there is any freudian analogy that can be drawn what with my diagnosis of schizophrenia since 1996, et. al.!?

However, I would have been gladly dead in a ditch if it hadn't been for my mother and father.

Mostly, it is at my mom's insistance and persistance that I am in this place where I stay with my cuddle-partner/roommate/friend, small dog and "fatty-tranny Kitty" while others are dying in ditches.

Yet, there is English and then there is "engrish!!!"

Followed by my whispering, "commas are for another reason!"
"In this life: one has to be obsessive compulsive, persistent and an outright asshole to get a point across.  Plain English is not good enough sometimes."

So, I assume the only solution to be had is to just say: "Yes dear.  Yes dear."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Y R women more literate than men? < chewing_gum_tester >

For the same reason as why when dating sites like Yahoo! and Match first came out and there used to be more women on dating sites than men so that I got 54 responses to one ad I put up back then as a man!

There were more women using computers and typing words then than there were men because women occupied more administrative jobs at companies and universities, etc. using computers than men.

That and the fact that women are natural born teachers from when to nurse and when not to through to "mommas going to check out all your girlfriends for you."

And, they are the fairer sex when in the twit lab analyzing twit lab specimens:

Upon a Lady Posting about Punks Calling HER a Dog in NYC:

Dog's first? < wsalwsbtfl > 01/01 18:52:14

I'm in the elevator carrying my dog, a group of young geeky guys gets on, when we get to the ground floor, they let me go first, and one of them says "dog's first".

Do a lot of guys say that kind of thing to women, or would it be likely they were referring to my dog? It hurt my feelings and made me wonder if I became ugly all of a sudden (or gained weight over the holidays). Why would someone say such a mean thing about a stranger?

my uptown E. 74st grade school friend did that < -once-in-ear-shot-of-me- > 01/01 19:01:08

I never forgot it. Here is a copy of the email I sent him recently:

Friend Name: you have a violent streak, the which if you were an alcoholic like me, you would be in jail for it. You punch your sister in the arm, for god's sake! I've seen you do it. While you have never punched me, you pushed my dog away from you as if violently when at Ferry Beach. Also, when you visited me [here], you threatened violence the first night against my dog when my dog (the same dog at Ferry Beach) tried to get under the covers with you. It's one thing to not want the dog to get under the covers, but to actually threaten me with violence vicariously through my dog...!!!

Friend Name: you, my friend, are an asshole. A piece of advice that a friend gave me a long time ago: it is better to look like an asshole than to be one!

Your friend, signed yours truly

They all are of "daddy's money fame" now! Trustafarians.

Periods are for a Reason.

I lost my virginy self to a virgin cherry and -phucked-IT-again-twice- removed.

While I am cognizant of the fact that I was born out of a "shit canal" (not the virginity of "Holy Pinked Hope: Honky Pedophile: Anagram"): in my defense of "popped [her] cherry" with my virginy dick, I have to say that she was "mind fucked" long before I met her, she giving out blow jobs in what seemed a willy nilly manner when we were teens and we met.

If I had it to do over, I would find the most randy ass Bronx street corner girl rather than scrimp and save for the uptown bitch sucking my cock now. Still: beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Arbeit Macht Frei - Seyaddaloathratubegotumbadenadazentobiencalla

There's anti-semitic as in anti-semitic remarks, -but-what-is-the-term-4 anti-non-jewish when you are a Jew or otherwise?  It all kind of follows with the terms: xenophobic or "haters hating."

I ask because I have found that some Jews will sell their youngest, most favored brother upriver for "shit" only for them to find out in the end by whatever source, if some mythological history can be applied to everyday circumstances, that the afflicted of their "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" philosophies are their so-called "messiahs:"  all of which renders a case of the "hebe jeebees" for the afflicted "messiahs" and those in environs of afflicted and for those doing the afflicting lasting like any story until a "deus ex machina" Fin.

However, the solution is obviously not to "stone the Jews," as that would be contrary to remedying the afflictions of all those involved and would render history repeating itself.  I would further conjecture that Jesus might well have been one of the principle "messiahs" for the Jews and they sold him and still sell him up river: never minding "Holy Pinked Hope: honky pedophile: anagram" bullshit of Saturnica.

I am a Druid myself.

The solution taken literally in German: Arbeit Macht Frei, is not to be taken literally or history repeats.

In Welsh translation from German, it would be:  Seyaddaloathratubegotumbadenadazentobiencalla.