Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I can't wait until most if not all "food animals" are dead and/or extinct...

because then: there would be "people butchers" and people could go to their local butcher and buy a variety of meats and cuts from harvested people.

I imagine a crisp, people finger would taste like a "fish eye" or "chicken feet!"

mmm... I'm getting hungry.  Maybe there would be "dark meat" and "light meat" varieties of people meat and maybe even "gander-people" or "veal-people" or even "people eggs:" "Ovary à la Femme, al dente."

Come to think of it: Jeffrey Dahmler might have been ahead of times: G-d bless him!  Jeffrey might might have donated an organ to feed homeless at a soup kitchen.

There might be (in time) a choice between "rat meat" and "people meat."

(I guess if I went to a restaurant in about 50 years from today: I would either order rat tails or baby wings and to drink: "yellow piss," as opposed to "clear piss" or the happy hour drink of "green puss").

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